Filtering by entry approval status

In Advanced Filter 1.3, we added the ability to filter by entry approval status.

You can filter by the following entry statuses:

  • Approved - Entries that have been accepted
  • Disapproved - Entries that have been rejected
  • Unapproved - Entries that have not yet been reviewed 

To filter by approval status:

When editing a View, scroll down to the Settings Panel, and click the Filter & Sort tab.

Find the Advanced Filter setting row. You will see three dropdown fields.

Screenshot of the Advanced Filter section

From the first dropdown field, select "Entry Approval Status", because you want to filter entries based on their approval status.

From the second dropdown, you can choose "is" or "is not".

From the third dropdown, you can choose between the approval statuses ("Approved", "Disapproved" and "Unapproved").  Select the approval status

When you have configured your filter, it should something like this:

A filter to show entries by approval status in GravityView

If you want, you can add multiple approval filters by clicking the plus symbol to the right of the filter.

If you are filtering by "Unapproved", and the entries are not appearing

Filtering by "Unapproved" may not work properly for entries created before installing GravityView 2.0.14.

To update the approval status for the unapproved entries:

  • View the form's entries by clicking Forms in the sidebar
  • Click on the name of the form with the entries you wish to display
  • Click on the Entries link in the Gravity Forms toolbar
  • Click the GravityView astronaut head icon to sort by approval status (that icon is of our mascot, Floaty!)
  • Click the checkboxes of the unapproved entries (they will have a yellow circle next to them)
  • At the top of the table, there is a dropdown field labeled "Bulk Actions". Click that field and select "Reset Approval".
  • Click the Apply button

This will enable the entries to be filtered by "Unapproved" status.

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