GravityEdit Filters

These are a list of all the filters in the GravityEdit plugin.


Modify the attributes being added to an inline editable wrapper HTML tag.


  • $wrapper_attributes array The attributes of the container <div> or <span>
  • $field_input_type string The field input type
  • $field_id int The field ID
  • $entry array The entry
  • $form array The current Form
  • $gf_field GFField_ Gravity Forms field object.


Capabilities required for an user to edit an entry. Passed to GFCommon::current_user_can_any()

  • $caps array Array of user capabilities needed to allow inline editing of entries. Default: gravityforms_edit_entries


Modify whether the current user can edit an entry. Default: Whether current user has the gravityforms_edit_entries capability. when editing in GravityView, also checks against gravityview_edit_form_entries and gravityview_edit_entry filters.


  • $can_edit_entry bool True: User can edit the entry at $entry_id; False; they just can't
  • $entry_id int Entry ID to check
  • $form_id int Form connected to $entry_id


Filter the response that will be passed to wp_send_json() after editing the entry.

This runs after the entry has been updated by GFAPI::update_entry( $entry ).

if you want to trigger any of the following hooks, this is the place to do it:

  • gform_entry_pre_update
  • gform_form_pre_update_entry
  • gform_form_pre_update_entry_$form_id
  • gform_post_update_entry
  • gform_post_update_entry_$form_id

None of those hooks will run during Inline Edit because they have been explicitly removed by the plugin to prevent bazillions a lot of notifications.


  • $update_result bool|WPError_ True: the entry has been updated by Gravity Forms or WP_Error if there was a problem. This is the response from GFAPI::update_entry( $entry )
  • $entry array The Entry Object that's been updated
  • $form_id int The Form ID
  • $gf_field GF_Field The field that's been updated
  • $original_entry array The original entry, before being updated (Since Version 1.1)

Also called is the filter gravityview-inline-edit/entry-updated/{$type}, where $type is the GravityView_Inline_Edit_Field->inline_edit_type string

add_filter( 'gravityview-inline-edit/entry-updated', 'gravityedit_custom_code', 10, 5 );
function gravityedit_custom_code( $update_result, $entry = array(), $form_id = 0, $gf_field = null, $original_entry = array() ) { 
	if ( 124 !== (int) $form_id ) { // replace 124 with your form ID to only run this function on a specific form
		return $update_result;

	return $update_result;


Modify the fields that are supported by GravityView Inline Edit.

  • $supported_fields array The supported fields array


Modify the fields that are not modified at all by GravityView Inline Edit. Default: [ "notes", "entry_approval" ]

  • $ignored_fields array The ignored fields array

Modifying Edit Functionality & Style


Modify the inline edit mode. Default: "popup"


  • $edit_mode string Editing mode. Options: "popup" or "inline"


Modify the inline edit style. Default: "bootstrap3-editable"


  • $edit_mode string Editing style. Options: "jquery-editable", "jqueryui-editable" or "bootstrap3-editable"


Modify the jQuery UI theme to use (if jQuery UI editor style is active). See ThemeRoller for examples. Default: "base"

Options: 'base', 'black-tie', 'blitzer', 'cupertino', 'dark-hive', 'dot-luv', 'eggplant', 'excite-bike', 'flick', 'hot-sneaks', 'humanity', 'le-frog', 'mint-choc', 'overcast', 'pepper-grinder', 'redmond', 'smoothness', 'south-street', 'start', 'sunny', 'swanky-purse', 'trontastic', 'ui-darkness', 'ui-lightness', 'vader'


Modify the Poshy Tip theme to use for the tooltips (if the jQuery editor style is active). See Poshy Tip for examples. Default: "yellowsimple"

Options: 'darkgray', 'green', 'skyblue', 'twitter', 'violet', 'yellow', 'yellowsimple'


Modify the settings passed to the x-editable script. Overrides the gravityview-inline-edit/edit-mode and gravityview-inline-edit/edit-style filters.

See a code example.


  • $js_settings array
    • mode string Editing mode. Options: "popup" or "inline" [Default: "popup"]
    • buttonsstring HTML of the Update/Cancel buttons
    • containerstring [Default: "body"]
    • showbuttonsstring|bool [Default: "bottom"] Where to show buttons. Form without buttons is auto-submitted. Options are "top", "bottom", "left", "right", or false.
    • onblurstring [Default: "cancel"] Action when user clicks outside the inline edit form container. Options are "cancel", "submit", "ignore". Setting ignore allows to have several containers open.
    • showinputsbool|string jQuery selectors for which inputs to show without clicking. If true, shows all inputs. NOTE: onblur must be set to "ignore". Read more

Modifying Text & Labels


Modify the text displayed on inline edit buttons


  • $labels array The default labels (using toggle, disabled, enabled keys). Default:
    • toggle => Toggle Inline Edit
    • disabled => Enable Inline Edit
    • enabled => Disable Inline Edit
add_filter( 'gravityview-inline-edit/toggle-labels', function ( $labels ) {

	$labels = array(
	'toggle'   => __( 'Toggle IE', 'gravityview-inline-edit' ),
	'disabled' => __( 'Enable IE', 'gravityview-inline-edit' ),
	'enabled'  => __( 'Disable IE', 'gravityview-inline-edit' ),
	return $labels;

} );


Modify the text and CSS classes used on GravityEdit buttons


  • $buttons array The default button configuration. Default:
    • ok => array
      • text => Update
      • class => is_admin() ? button button-primary button-large alignleft : (empty string)
    • cancel
      • text => Cancel
      • class => is_admin() ? button button-secondary alignright : (empty string)

If you have any questions, please contact GravityKit support.

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